Friday, March 8, 2024

A Dessert Deserved...

 Do you see what I see?

You may see some delicious ice cream with homemade fudge and a wafer cookie on the side. Actually, it's what I see, too. But, there's something else here, something you may not know. 

This is remuneration...

For services rendered.

It's a little strange, but stay with me. Tonight we had the family over for dinner. I love my family. They are the best part of my life. I love being with them and as time grows, we've added more to the fold. Tonight, we had dinner and played with the grandbaby...he's crawling now. They were only with us a few hours, but those few hours wore me out.

The dessert was a reward.

Then again, maybe having many "rewards" such as this is one reason I was worn out.

I've noticed something else, something I suspected and now my suspicions are verified. There's a reason you should have kids in your 20s and 30s. Having them in your 40s and 50s is not ideal. I understand many have no choice--things happen when they happen, but for those who do have a choice, man--have those kids early. You'll thank yourself for it later.

Maybe I need to cut back on the rewards and do some exercising to prepare for the little tyke and hopefully, more little tykes that will follow. Still, I stand by my statement...taking care of kids later in life,'s a tough job and it warrants a dessert deserved.

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