Sunday, March 10, 2024

Give Thanks...Creative Friends

 Years ago, I read so many books. I downloaded and listened to the audiobook version. Some don't count that as "reading" but those who do are wrong. It's been a while since I literally (and I'm using the work "literally" correctly...) picked up a book and read it. That changed recently.

The book I chose:

Jared Nathan Garrett's The Seer.

This post isn't about the story, because I'm only halfway through--I know, I need to read more (baby steps...). What I'm thankful for today is that I consider Jared a friend, as I do with many local authors. As a group, they are some of the kindest, most talented people I know. They are generally interested in the writing careers of others and they want them to succeed. That's rare. 

Of the local writers I know, I'm probably one of the least-generating ones, but still they are interested in my works in progress and I know they are pulling for me to get my butt in gear and start seriously producing more content to read.

I'm thankful that I can attend a local writing conference and be accepted by a group of such talented people. I'm thankful that we live in a time when a person, with nothing more than a dream and determination can produce physical books that can offer entertainment for others.

It's a wonderful time to be alive.

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