Thursday, March 7, 2024

Don't You Just Love Job Interviews...?

 Don't you just love job interviews?

In my career I've participated in an interview or two. I've also been on the other side of the table, being on committees who hired. I've had successful interviews, and I'm had more that were the opposite. Thankfully, we live in a society that can make fun of ourselves in meme form.

And many are pure classics.

I have a co-worker friend who shares my sense of humor when it comes to interview memes and we've set many a text message containing some great ones. I should apologize for not crediting the originators of these memes, but truth be told, they most likely stole them from somewhere else.

And, I should also add, these are quite tame compared to some I've seen. I'll let you find those on your own, thank you very much. 

Personally, there are fewer things I detest than interviewing, probably because I'm not a good interviewer. I haven't had too many "crash and burn" interviews. There have been some, but for the most part, I do okay, and that's part of the problem. I think I'm doing better than I actually do. I realize how poorly I did after it's over and I think about my answers and's then I consider how much better I should have done had I only said this or said that.

Then, there's the worst question, "What are your greatest strengths?" and the even worse follow up, "What are you biggest weaknesses?"

Yeah. I'm not seeing them used as much anymore...maybe people are realizing there are better ways to get to know if someone is a good fit for an organization.

I have no idea how many job interviews await me in my future. Hopefully, more can be found in my past than in my future. However, no matter how many there are, I'll always hate those questions.

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