Thursday, March 21, 2024

Social Media..TMI

 Came across this little gem a few weeks ago. I mean, it's funny...weird and funny, but it reminded me of a bigger issue, something I'm guilty of doing, namely...

Giving out too much information on social media.

Now, I know neither Anastasia nor Ben personally. And if I'm Anastasia and need to purchase human-grade deboned rabbit meat, I'm not sure reaching out via Facebook and other social media outlets is the best way to find human-grade deboned rabbit meat. Then again, maybe it is. Maybe the best way to secure this type of meat is to reach out on the apps. 

I have no idea.

Then again, how much information is too much? That's the eternal question, I suppose. There are things I've blogged about or posted pictures about that some might shake their heads at and think, "If it were me, I wouldn't post that." I understand. Then again, I suppose what is acceptable to post for one person would be verboten for another. Some don't want anything about them out on the nets. The problem is, it's almost impossible to keep your personal information secret.

The more information I put out into the social media universe, the more I'm adding to that giant information blob.

There's a natural follow-up question for Anastasia. I'd love to ask the question and even more, would love to know the answer, but I guess that information will forever remain a mystery.

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