Friday, March 29, 2024


 There's much to see, when you take a short drive from where you live. It may not appear at that way, at first, but if you look closer, there's always something new.

Of course, sometimes you find new things you don't have to look very hard to see.

The other night my son and I were out driving. We drove down a road we've driven dozens of times and what did we happen upon? An illuminated dinosaur. The valley in which we drive is sparsely populated. There's literally acres between homes at some points. Because we've driven through the neighborhoods at various times of the year, we've seen holiday decorations at Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's Day, and even Easter decorations. But, a dinosaur...

That was new.

It got me thinking. Why was there a dinosaur in that yard? Do they have a dinosaur-loving child who lives there? Was it put up as a dare or because of a bet? Did someone have a crazy idea of building a dinosaur and running lights on it? It's not something someone does casually. It took some time and effort.

Then, there's the fact that very few people will actually sea the thing. That shouldn't be a consideration, but it sometimes is. The home doesn't have thousands, or even hundreds of people driving by to appreciate the art. I know I've put up things, not for others, but for me and the family. I suppose that's why they did it...for them, not necessarily for me. It's a way of presenting their individuality.

I'm glad we drove by. I'm glad we saw the illuminated dinosaur.

I wonder, also, if it has a name.

I'll bet it does.

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