Friday, January 8, 2021

Happy Birthday, Hun...Here's To Fifty More (At Least...)

 Five years ago--and a few days--my wife threw me a party. She organized it, invited my friends and prepared the house. The occasion? 

I turned 50-years old.

I had five years--and a few days--to return the favor. Who knew there'd be no parties, no gatherings, no get-togethers? Not me. To be honest, I did not organize a party, invite friends, prepare the house. It was pretty clear our milestone celebrations would not be the same.

I did say I'd take my wife to Paris.

We almost made it, too. But, it would be a long drive an it just didn't work out (I'm talking about Paris, Idaho, if you hadn't already guessed...). 

Lynda turned fifty today. We were going to drive to Idaho for the joke, but it was a long way to go to get out of the car and snap a picture. So, we ended up in Logan and Brigham City doing some shopping and eating at one of the best restaurants I've ever seen, Maddox in Perry, Utah.

My wife's been a spouse longer than she wasn't a spouse. She's been a mother almost as long as she's not been a mother. She amazes me. I've always contended men have it easy in some ways. My day-to-day is fairly basic. I go to work. I need to make sure I do a good job and not get fired. My wife, however. She's over the house. Making money is easy compared to rearing and educating our children. Her influence affects generations.

I am grateful she decided to help create a new life with me and that she continues on this journey. She has made it fun and exciting and crazy and wonderful. It's not all been rosy, but more than not, it's been great. 

No, I couldn't take my wife to Paris on her birthday (or California, Florida, Hawaii, or Wendover...), but I've taken her on a longer ride, a ride encompassing twenty-eight birthdays, that included a delicious meal as the sun set in the west.

Happy birthday, Hun! Here's to a half-century more (at least...).

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