Sunday, January 24, 2021

Today...Every Day...For Ten Years

 For those of a certain age, you may remember sitting in a high school or jr. high school math class, and someone--maybe even you--asked the teacher if we could use a calculator to figure out the problems. And inevitably, the teacher would say something like, "This is important stuff to know--you're not going to always have a calculator with you?"

A time machine would allow both the students and the teacher to know that is basically not true. So, if anyone needs to know how many days are in ten years, without a calculator I can say (with the inclusion of two leap year days...) is 3,655. 

I didn't need a calculator for that...

But, I did use my blog's dashboard to get that number.

Ten years...ten years of daily blog posts. Many times I wondered if I'd reach that milestone. Most of the time, I find something to write about--it's not always interesting, but it's always punctual. There were other times, however, when I had no idea what I was going to write about. Somehow, some way, the post was written and published.

I started the blog as an experiment, a way to write something at least once a day. It's been a journal of sorts. I've chronicled the decade of three U.S. presidents, three of my four kids graduating from grade school, our family moving, a son getting married, and of losing a family patriarch. We've had broken cars and other things, saying hello to new pets and good-bye to others, big storms and small miracles--lots of those.

It's not the most exciting life, but it's ours, and for three-thousand, six-hundred, and fifty-five days I've tried to mix humor, drama, some serious stuff, a tribute thrown in, and only a few political rants. And after every post is published, I put away the computer hoping what I put into the ether made someone laugh, or cry, or think just a little.

The last line of my first blog post (you can check it out by clicking: HERE if you'd like...) I wrote:

Let's hope we have a good time as we interact and explore and entertain an(d) inform (I even had a typo...). We shall see...

Hopefully, we've done that.

Thank you for checking out my little blog. Let's see what the next ten years brings.

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