Thursday, April 12, 2012

A Bumper Sticker I Saw...

I did a little shopping tonight and this pumper sticker caught my attention. I don't take a lot of pictures of bumper stickers...most are not picture-worthy. Many might think this one's not picture-worthy.

What's the purpose of a bumper sticker? Is it to distract the other drivers with witty sayings? Perhaps, but I hope it's not the only reason--there would be too many accidents. It is to express the driver's opinion on a subject? I imagine most do as this one does. I suppose they're kind of like a tattoo for your car, except much easier to remove...

So this one is political or is it financial, or philosophical or just funny, or not at all funny considering the subject manner? Even though the the bumper sticker never changes, our interpretations surely do...

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