Saturday, October 29, 2016

Halloween Decorating...At Work

I moved to my new building last spring. I knew many people who have worked there; I'd heard the stories. Not that they were bad--it's just I had no connection to it. That changed a few months ago. Being in a new building brings many new things. There's a feeling in a building, a spirit, a way it operates. I'm getting used to it.

But since I've not been there a full year, it still surprises me. The biggest surprise so far is the lengths the employees will go to decorate their work spaces for Halloween. There's even a decorating contest. I work upstairs and I've seen some of what was going on. Things have accelerated the last week or so. Many are taking this whole contest very seriously. Last Thursday I decided to check out all the other departments to see just how far they've done.

Turns out, pretty far.

I took a ton of pictures, but I'm only including a few so you can get a taste of what the place will look like come Halloween day.

There's bound to be more surprises as the days and weeks go by. I doubt, however, that any future surprises will be this big.