Monday, October 3, 2016

My Own Little Editing Studio...

Tonight I had a problem, a technical problem. I needed to take three sections from a movie I downloaded on iTunes and make three clips I could watch over and over again.

You might think, "how hard can that be?"

Turns out, it wasn't all that hard, but it just took a while to figure out.

I bought It's a Wonderful Life the other day because I've been cast as Sam Wainwright, George Bailey's obnoxious, yet misunderstood friend in Centerpoint Legacy Theatre's production of It's a Wonderful Life. Sam's not in that many scenes so I found the three scenes where Sam has the most lines and noted the times they come up on the film.

The problem I ran into is I can't just copy the film. I tried taking screenshots from my phone, but each time they came up completely blank. I can only assume it's because I bought it from the iTunes Store.

So, I needed to film the film from one camera to another. I ended up using my new SLDR (that has video capability...) and I recorded as my iPhone played the movie. I used an audio cord so the sound would be heard on the camera doing the filming.

It's not the best quality, but I can now watch--or, more importantly--listen to Sam's lines so I can hopefully memorize them easier. And because my phone and camera were all hooked up, I used my iPad to take the picture of my little editing studio.

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