Saturday, August 10, 2019

Hidden Mickeys...Gotta Find Them All!

The first time I heard about hidden Mickeys was when I did Beauty and the Beast at Rodgers Memorial Theatre more than a decade ago. A cast member, as we set up for our first show, was arranging books on a bookshelf we used for a set piece. I wondered what he was doing because he wasn't just putting the books on the shelf. He was trying to arrange them a certain way.

I asked what he was doing.

"Creating a Hidden Mickey," he said.

"What's a Hidden Mickey? I asked.

I have so much to learn about the world of Disney.

He went on to explain that in shows, plays, movies, and at Disney theme parks, Mickey Mouse likenesses can be found everywhere. He told me there were books written about it (this is pre-internet-explosion times here...). Now, just search "Hidden Mickey" on the internet and you'll have material to read for years.

Back on July 29th, I snapped a picture of a Hidden Mickey I found on a set piece from the show I'm in. One of the artists working on the set commented on social media asking me if I found two more hidden somewhere in the Lost Boys underground set. I spotted one yesterday and I was shown another today. I think I got them all, but I could be wrong. I couldn't find any on the pirate boat.

We have one more performance until the curtain drops on our show for the final time. I'm typing this post in an empty dressing room, the rest of the cast off eating, socializing, having a good time. Finding a Hidden Mickey is like learning a secret, like being included in a special club. Admittedly, I have not spent a lot of time looking for Hidden Mickeys, but I'm glad I did this time. It made the show just that much better.

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