Sunday, August 11, 2019

It Took Me A While...But I Think I Might Have Figured It Out

This morning my wife and I found ourselves on the campus of Brigham Young University, or BYU to almost everyone. Of the University of Utah, Utah State University, Brigham Young University, and Weber State University, BYU is the only institute of higher education I have not attended as a student.

But, I have been on the campus a number of times. I even attended church there once. This morning we were there to support my brother who, as of today, shall forever be known as Bishop Taylor. Congrats, bro!!

This took place in the Jesse Knight Building, or the JKB to almost everyone. I don't know how many other universities that use their regular classrooms and school buildings for church. We were escorted into a small room with comfortable chairs and tables. Something caught my attention. Each table had a small section at the front of the table that folded down. I tested them--the panels folded down to a ninety degree angle, then back again.

At first, I thought the tables might have some educational purpose, like a table in a science class made specifically for scientific experiments. But the room was not set up for anything technical, at least, as far as I could tell. 

Why did the tables have these adjustments? What purpose could they possibly have?

Then, a thought.

What if they were there as a way to block something?

What if they were there as a modesty panel?

Okay, I could be way off base here, but I thought they might be used to assist a teacher or someone standing in front of the class. If that's the reason for the panels, then there you go. If not, well...I'm at a loss.

Anyway, it made me think as I sat in a school/church room on a university campus this morning.

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